Online training
Abundance now!
Create a life overflowing with abundance in every area
Are you ready to let go of your fear of scarcity? Let go of unconciously moving from a place of lack? Are you ready to choose to step into abundance? To commit to be worthy of overflow in every area of your life?
Do you want to become the co-creator of a life filled with overflow of opportunities, possibilities and magic? Do you want to feel free to give what you’ve got to give and to receive freely with open arms, instead of feeling like you have to hold on tight to what you have, or being scared to receive?
Then this online training might be just the thing you are looking for!
It’s time to choose
Join me in this 3-part training to get clear on what abundance means to you. On what abundance feels to you! Become a clear and determined funnel of abundance and overflow. Create the path of least resistance to receive abundance in every area of your life! Become so determined in your focus on overflow and unwavering in your faith manifestation simply has no choice but to follow your lead.
Take the leap!
This course is for the one’s who are ready to take the lead of their own life. To take the leap and be the starting point of something new. A new way of living. A life filled with abundance and overflow in every area. To be part of the solution. Let’s go guys!
For quite some years, I experienced a lot of lack in my life. I sort of knew where I wanted to go, but my experience was mostly one of scarcity, of not enough. Scarcity in clients, in money, in love, in health, I could see it almost everywhere. Here I was, feeling so full of potential, so full of things to give, so ready to be of service, waiting for opportunities to arrive, but hitting a wall time and time again. I started working hard, trying to do everything right in order to deserve receiving the good stuff.
Little did I know it wasn’t my lack of effort that kept abundance from entering my life, it was the place from which I operated! It was my constant focus on being not enough, on having not enough, that stopped the overflow of magic and support from washing over me!
Create a life overflowing with abundance in every area!
Get access to the full training for life including all future updates and any bonusses I may add at a later stage. You can retake the training as often as you want and binge on the videos in the background for an investment of 144 euro.
Get the training including two 50 minute private online coaching sessions for 444 euro! Schedule the sessions easily yourself online on Tuesdays. Sessions are valid for two months and will be held through Zoom.
Benefits of this training
Ultimately we have a choice to operate either from believing in lack, in scarcity, in our fear of ‘not enough’, or from believing in abundance, expansion and our ability as creative human beings. This understanding changed my life. Once I started to shift, once I started to see that just because something is lacking from my view, it doesn’t mean it’s lacking from existence, life started to change completely. Feelings of ease, happiness, magic and freedom became the core of my days. Instead of doing everything myself, using my limited resources, working hard, I started to attract the infinite powers of the universe to do the heavy lifting for me. Or rather, I started to tap into the flow of infinity that was right there waiting for me.
Inviting abundance in your life opens the door for happiness, magic, synchronicity and effortlessness. Things will start working out for you. If you just let them.

The results from this course could include growth in for example:
Clarity: on what abundance means to you, on what if feels to you, resulting in a greater ability to make choices and make your dreams reality;
Faith & Trust: feeling more safe and supported due to a stronger connection with your true inner self;
Abundance: in terms of an overflow (more than enough!) opportunities, possibilities, money, love, time, freedom, beauty, or in whatever shape or form abundance manifests itself to you!;
Happiness: a general sense of ease, joy, or peace that flows in your life, unconditional of your circumstances.
Freedom: feeling more free to give and express yourself fully to the world and receive abundantly with open arms.
This course consists of
3 online modules with high level content intended to support you in becoming abundance itself and attract overflow in every area of your life
The 3 modules contain videos, text files with content and journal questions and exercises to coach yourself to step into the magic of abundance
The journal questions guide you towards your inner truth and true desires
You will get the course for life! You can binge the videos and follow the lessons as often as you want, for as long as you want
Follow this course in your own pace, from the comfort of your home or any preferred location with an internet connection
Includes all future updates to this course
Program outline
Part 1. Clarity
What does abundance mean to you? What does it feel like? What does abundance mean for every area of your life?
In this part you get to choose what you wish to manifest in your life, what you wish to focus on. Your clarity will bring your dreams right here on earth.
Part 2. Confidence
Do you truly believe abundance is available to you right here, right now? Do you know it’s here for you? Step into your dream. Decide it’s done. Cut through the noise and gain the confidence to know it’s yours.
In part 2, you will learn how to cut through your worries and doubts and to become a vessel of abundance, right here, right now.
Part 3. Calm
Turn the dial of faith up to 200%. Become so clear and so confident, you can let go of any stress or tension and simply let life take part in your dream. Instead of working hard, we become a co-creator and let the universe work WITH us. It’s not so much about WHAT you do, it’s HOW you do it!
In part 3 you will learn how to balance your will power with a sense of trust in order to let the universe work through us. Let the magic begin!
Get access to the full training for life including all future updates and any bonusses I may add at a later stage. You can retake the training as often as you want and binge on the videos in the background for an investment of 144 euro.
Get the training including two 50 minute private online coaching sessions for 444 euro! Schedule the sessions easily yourself online on Tuesdays. Sessions are valid for two months and will be held through Zoom.
What I like about this course is that there is not only attention to the ‘zen piece’ in yourself (in other words: peace, softness, love), but also for strength, spirit, energy and decisiveness. I was surprised how much came up with the exercises we received!
Eveline understands, asks the right questions, but does not steer. She has a rich experience with businesses from her management consultant time. This in combination with her open and curious nature for many other sides of life (such as spirituality, other cultures and nature) make her a very special woman. She inspires me enormously, which helps me in my work and “being”.
Eveline is the most inspirational as well as productive person to work with. She has soooo much knowledge. The magic happens when you jump in the ‘not yet existing situation’ with her to shape and colour that and so make the new realm. Eveline does not have a strong connection with the universe, she’s the hi-way!
Eveline has a rare combination of abilities that make working with her something special. Her great clarity of mind goes hand in hand with genuine commitment, great empathy and an angelic patience with others, without ever losing sight of the goals of the work.
Do you have questions, or you want to know more?
Contact me!
About me
I am Eveline: entrepreneur, business mentor, certified coach, facilitator and course creator. I am here to be of service to you; the passionate leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and change makers!
Although I know quite a lot about the creation, growth and change of businesses (I worked as a management consultant for 9 years), setting up my own dream business wasn’t so easy. It felt so far away. The gap seemed too big. So I tried to fit in first. Do it the hard way. The strategic way. Be what I thought I should be. Yes, I know, sounds really fulfilling right? 😉
In order for me to go beyond háving dreams and truly start líving these dreams, I needed to uplevel my own beliefs of what was available to me. Yes, I knew all about strategies and structures and processes, but it was me that was in the way. I was manifesting my own limitations and littleness. So I did (and still do!) the work and decided to step into the arena and take full responsibility for the manifestation of my visions and dreams in the moment. And that’s when I finally started to feel so alive and my business started to truly flow!

Frequently asked questions
How does the program work?
This program contains three chapters of high level content to become uber clear and confident on your dreams and visions of your most abundant life! The content takes the form of videorecordings, written files and homework questions that guide you to your own answers. You can follow the training as often as you want in your own pace and timing.
What if I am not sure about my best life/abundance yet? Is the program for me?
Yes! In this program you will get as crystal clear on you purpose, dreams or visions about your most abundant life as is needed for you at this time. Purpose, dreams and visions mean different things to different people. I won’t tell you what abundance is or how you should define it. Your intuition will tell you. Have faith you will get exactly the answers you need at this time!
How do I know if I am ready?
You know in your heart. You will feel the excitement. You will feel your heart beating. It might feel scary. But you know.
I can’t make it the next few weeks: can I follow it in my own time?
Yes, you can follow it in your own time and pace. However, I do recommend to set an intention for yourself when starting the program: what do you want with this program? What works for you in terms of time and pace? What supports your process? Is it fixed times during a fixed period? Choose whatever supports you the most and decide to stick to it! This is your choice and your life! Make it worth your while!
How long will the program be available? (*)
The program will be available to you for a long time. In case I ever decide to take the pages down, I will update you and give you a chance to download the recordings beforehand.
“Because I came to such clarity in our sessions on what I really wanted, I found my absolute dream project a few months later!”
May van Waes, Program manager
“We owe a lot to Eveline. Working with her is one of the best things that happened to me in my work.”
dr. István Bejczy, Programmanager
“Her rich experience with businesses in combination with her open and curious nature for many other sides of life (such as spirituality, other cultures and nature) make her a very special woman. She inspires me enormously, which helps me in my work and “being”.”
Lonne Wennekendonk, Founder Studio Lonne Wennekendonk
“I would definitely recommend Eveline to other (young) professional who are seeking hands-on consulting in their professional and personal growth.”
Annefloor Samsom, Global Digital Marketing Manager Unilever foodsolutions
“Eveline is the most inspirational as well as productive person to work with. She does not have a strong connection with the universe, she’s the highway!”
Hanneke Schepers-Smulders, Entrepreneur
“I often think back about the great insights I got out of these sessions and whenever I feel I need more support, I will most definitely ask Eveline to coach me again.”
Karin Godvliet, Brand- & accountmanager, trainer & coach Moovs
“It’s rare that you come across an authentic and warm person like Eveline. Especially her ability to sense the need for change and her ability to ask the right questions for that to happen is impressive. That skill often takes years to develop, but it seems to come entirely natural to her.”
Prins Doornekamp, Social Entrepreneur NOWOS
“Eveline has soooo much knowledge. The magic happens however when you jump in the ‘not yet existing situation’ with her to shape and colour that and so make the new realm.”
Hanneke Schepers-Smulders, Entrepreneur